New England Quahaugs (Mercenaria mercenaria)
The hard clam also known as quahaug (or quahog), round clam or hard shell clam, is an edible marine bivalve mollusk which is native to the eastern shores of North America, from Prince Edward Island to the Yucatan Peninsula. American Mussel Harvesters provides these cherished cold-water clams from the local certified waters of New England. These clams are harvested daily and are the classic grey-white shell with the beautiful blue nacre on the inside of the shell.

Little Neck Clams (nex)
2" shell
9 - 12 clams per pound
Middle Neck Clams (middles)
2 ½" shell
7 - 9 clams per pound
Top Neck Clams (tops)
3" shell
4 - 6 clams per pound
Cherrystone Clams (cherries)
3 ½" shell
3 - 4 clams per pound
Chowder Clams
4 - 5" shell
1 - 2 clams per pound
Steamer Clams (Mya arenaria)
Steamer clams are known by many different names, such as soft shell clams, long neck clams, Ipswich clams, piss clams, manninose clams, belly clams, squirt clams, fryers and gapers.
Steamer clams are found along the Atlantic coast of the United States, however, the New England region has created the niche market for this species. They can grow up to 5 inches in length, but are usually 2 - 3 inches. The shell of the steamer clam offers little protection as it is quite brittle, but it provides easy access to the succulent treat that lies inside.
American Mussel Harvesters Restaurant Ready® steamers are a delicacy. They are harvested from local waters to ensure freshness. Our Restaurant Ready® seawater system certifies the end user gets the cleanest (sand and grit free) and freshest possible product. Shop Now